Campus wide cleanliness drive in observance of Swachhata Hi Seva, 2024:
Government Serchhip College organized Campus Cleanliness Drive on 23rd September, 2024, as the third initiative under the Swachhata Hi Seva 2024 campaign. This collaborative effort was jointly convened by the NSS Unit, Eco Club, and Swachh Bharat Cell. The programme was held during 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm.
Under the guidance of the Principal and faculty members, 325 students were divided into 15 groups and assigned specific locations across the campus. Prior to the event, students were instructed to bring essential cleaning materials, including brooms and wiping cloths. The activity includes sweeping, dusting & mopping of lavatories, steps, corridors, playgrounds, academic building & administrative buildings. The cleanliness initiative resulted in the collection of approximately 30 kg of waste. The successful event encapsulated the college's resolve to instil a culture of sustainability and civic responsibility among its students.