Internal Quality Assurance Cell
A Central Administrative Body
Year of Establishment - 2011
Inaugural Coordinator - Dr.Lalrintluanga Sailo
Primary Responsibility - Initiation, Planning, and Supervision of activities geared 
towards enhancing and ensuring the overall quality standards.
Co-Ordinator: Dr. Lalhmangaihzuali Ralte
Assistant Co-ordinator: H. Lalchhanhima
& Core Committee



The institution's feedback system is exemplary, meticulously collecting and analyzing input from various stakeholders. Over the years, it has evolved into one of the best in the state. The feedback committee capably and dedicatedly handles all matters related to feedback.


Survey Type Participants Focus Area Frequency
Students' Satisfactory Survey All Students Institutional Performance Anually
Exit Survey   Outgoing Students Institutional Performance Anually
Feedback on Teachers All Students Academic Experience Bianually
Alumni Feedback Alumni Members Institutional Performance Anually
Parents' Feedback   Parents                   Institutional Performance Anually
Teachers' Feedback Teachers                 Institutional Performance Anually