Internal Quality Assurance Cell
A Central Administrative Body
Year of Establishment - 2011
Inaugural Coordinator - Dr.Lalrintluanga Sailo
Primary Responsibility - Initiation, Planning, and Supervision of activities geared 
towards enhancing and ensuring the overall quality standards.
Co-Ordinator: Dr. Lalhmangaihzuali Ralte
Assistant Co-ordinator: H. Lalchhanhima
& Core Committee

The IQAC operates in a decentralized and participative manner, aligning with the institution's overall administrative spirit. Responsibilities are distributed among various subcommittees and cells, each of which is accountable to the IQAC. Below are the different subcommittees and cells of the IQAC.


# Name of Committee # Name of Cell
1.  Grievance Redressal Committee 14. Career Guidance and Counselling Cell
2.  Feedback Committee 15. Anti-ragging Cell     
3.  Arboretum & Botanical Garden Committee 16. Disaster Management Cell
4. Language & Communication Committee 17. Mentoring Cell
5. Seminar and Workshop Committee 18. Placement Cell
6. Faculty & Non-teaching Staff Development Committee 19. Curricular Aspects Cell
7. Event Records 20. Teaching-Learning & Evaluation Cell
8. Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) 21. Research, Innovations & Extension Cell
9. Environmental Management Committee 22. Infrastructure & Learning Resources
10. NIRF Committee 23. Student Support & Progression Cell
11. Institutional Awards & Scholarships Committee 24 Governance, Leadership and Management Cell
12. Campus Health Committee 25.  Innovations and Best Practices Cell
13. Winter Fest Committee 26. Self Defence Cell